Amy . . .
What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising
COMMENT GAME- christmas edition
Christmas EDITIONHere's how it goes: I'll start the game off at the bottom of this post by choosing two words or phrases, like coffee or tea, and which ever one you prefer you choose. You can also explain why. When you have done that you do two new words or phrases for the next commenter to choose from. Feel free to come back as often as you like. Just have fun and lets try to stick with the Christmas theme. If someone derails the game will one of you put it back on track? Thanks
mult-colored or white lights on your tree???
Definitely multicolored. Actually the more color the merrier.
Plastic or real -- Your Christmas tree?
Plastic - not messy and eco-friendly!
Santa Clause or Saint Nicholas?
Santa Clause
Does Santa visit and if so does he leave wrapped or unwrapped gifts?
Nope, Santa doesn't come to our house.
What's your tree topping style- angle or star?
I have an angel that lights up and she is on top of the Christmas tree.
Sending Christmas cards ... yes or no??
Oh yeah! I already sent mine.
Custom made to your taste or Hallmark type of Christmas cards?
I have yet to make mine but my cards always have something personal on the front whether it points out a Christmas memory, the real meaning of Christmas or kids on the front.
Miracle on 34th Street or Its a wonderful life!
It's a Wonderful Life! Hands down my favorite movie of the Christmas season. We don't "do" Santa soo....
Egg Nog or Wassail?
Oh, and I'm having a drawing (ends tonight) for a pair of Christmas socks. Just comment on my blog :)
Egg Nog...non-alcoholic
Thematic decorations
mish-mosh of children's artwork, whatever's been on sale and hand-me-downs.
mish-mosh decorations, my sister and mom and I exchange an ornament each year add that to all the ones we collect, plus I buy one new one every year. This year there are no color themed ornaments just a varied collection and I love it so much more.
Traditional Christmas dinner, turkey with all the trimmings, or something more unusual.
Christmas brunch
It's our "new" tradition we ordered wonderful breakfast casseroles and pastries and enjoyed them while opening presents. Then we get to spend the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying family. It's a lot less stressful.
Do you take your tree down right after Christmas or do you wait until New Years?
Usually about 2 weeks after Christmas. It has to be down before the 15th (our birthdays).
Stockings - filled with candy and small toys (like I grew up with) or filled with toiletries (as my wife grew up with).
hmm for candy and toys!! :)
presents under the tree as they get wrapped or bring them out Christmas Eve?
Put them under the tree as they are wrapped (obviously the ones from family member to family member).
ropes of garland or those icicle tinsel things?
garland, pets always eat the tinsel. Celebrate on 24 or 25?
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