Crazy 2 nights of work but I survived..Got to love on a squishy alone baby..I don't like babies to be alone but it sure is nice to love on them.Makes me miss my family a bit.
I have the next 2 days off and then I work Thursday and then we head to Florida for a few days..Family is good. Maybe after that I will have something interesting to blog about...
Do you see the button for Stellan on the side. He needs prayer guys. Go read his story and pray for his heart. His momma is a God follower and he really asking. Hes a miracle kid who has beaten the odds and they are hoping and praying he will beat them again!!! Go Stellan!!
Getting ready to get ready for my first consignment sale in August..Will be selling a lot of LynnMaries old winter clothes and look for a few 18 month things..Looking forward to selling and buying, heehee..
Amy . . .
What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
A Day in the Life of Kate
Watch,Cry. Pray or better yet, Pray, Cry Watch.. This is kate. I do now know Kate but I know she has a pretty serious tumor and her parents are learning a new way of life that involves therapies, chemo, ports, surgeries. With the terrible new the parents receive, they have to put on happy faces and attempt Kate to live stress free. I dont know they do it..Please lift up sweet Kate in your prayers tonight!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
and the winner is
Annie Laurie. After writing the names down and put them in the box, LynnMarie pulled out your name..Email me at so I can get it to you!!
For those who did not win, ask your church to order it for your library..Its that good!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Book Review and Giveaway
Okay, so this is my first momma book and I whole heatedly recommend this book to any mom or mom in waiting..Tricia is a honest and open mom that will encourage you and make you look at yourself in a more honest way. I read this book between 2 12 hour shifts at work..Its a great, easy read, that you don't want to put down. Make sure you read this whole post as you will find info for my give away and some info and the author and what she has planned..I have reviewed books of Tricia's before, you need to get to know her!!
As a new mom, Tricia very quickly shared her heart and I know some of my feelings aren't totally crazy!!!! Tricia has a heart for teens and moms. She wants to get out and help others..This is a transparent book about her highs and lows and how God can mold you into the mom you desire to be..Sometimes its the process thats more important than the end result..
Please check this book out..Its awesome..Don't forget to keep reading..Check out the book tour as well!!!
A note from Tricia: Are you a mommy who feels squeezed by Motherhood? Could God be shaping something beautiful in you?
In my new spiritual memoir, Blue Like Play Dough I invite women to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary! To learn to see God's hand lovingly at work in every aspect of your life---from laundry-folding to the umpteenth reading of Goodnight Moon.
And now I’m inviting YOU to come bring your stretched self and attend a fun Facebook Launch Party for Blue Like Play Dough! I know you’re busy (and tired) so I’m bringing the festivities to you! So grab your comfiest chair and slip away from that long To-Do list and join me for a two hour Play Dough Party. I’ll be sharing some of my mothering experiences (the good and the bad), hosting a fun trivia contest, giving away Mommy Play Dough Packs, answering questions, and getting to know YOU!
I’d be honored to have you as my guest – and to prove it I’ll be giving away 2 ginormous Mommy Play Dough Packs to two party attendees at random! The winners will be announced at the end of the party. Grab your friends and let’s party! oh, and don't forget your camera! Snap pictures during the party and upload them during the festivities. I'll be giving a prize away for the best photo!
So come join me on July 27th from 5-7 pm (PST)! Friend me on facebook and join the fun!
Get One, Give One Campaign (GO-GO)! (
With the release of this book Tricia is also launching the Get One, Give One Campaign!
For every copy of Blue Like Play Dough purchased, she’ll donate a copy of My Life Unscripted or Generation NeXt Parenting to a pregnancy, teen or family support ministry (while supplies last).
All you have to do is buy a copy of Blue Like Play Dough on Christianbook, on Amazon, or at your local bookstore, and then go to Tricia's Go-Go page and fill out the form. EASY!
About the book: In the everyday stretch and squeeze of motherhood, Tricia Goyer often feels smooshed by the demands of life. In Blue Like Play Dough, she shares her unlikely journey from rebellious, pregnant teen to busy wife and mom with big dreams of her own. As her story unfolds, Tricia realizes that God has more in store for her than she has ever imagined possible.
Sure, life is messy and beset by doubts. But God keeps showing up in the most unlikely places–in a bowl of carrot soup, the umpteenth reading of Goodnight Moon, a woe-is me teen drama, or play dough in the hands of a child.
In Tricia’s transparent account, you’ll find understanding, laughter, and strength for your own story. And in the daily push and pull, you’ll learn to recognize the loving hands of God at work in your life… and know He has something beautiful in mind.
Read an excerpt:
About the author: (shorter bio here)Using her own experiences as a teen mother, and leader of today’s generation, Tricia’s vision is to be a voice of hope and possibility for teenage girls, pregnant teen girls, mothers and wives through her educational and inspirational speaking, workshops and books. Her intention is to serve ordinary women by encouraging extraordinary things with God’s help. Tricia expresses real life, real hope, for real women.
Tricia is the author of 20+ books and has published over 300 articles for national publications such as Guideposts for Kids, Focus on the Family, Christian Parenting Today, Today’s Christian Woman and HomeLife Magazine. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from American Christian Fiction Writers, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award in 2005.
In her fiction novels, Tricia writes contemporary and historical stories that feature strong women overcoming great challenges. She recreates historic wartime eras with precise detail through perseverant and comprehensive research.
Each of her World War II and Spanish Civil War novels tell the inspiring stories of engaging characters—and a God whose hand is evident in the landscape of history and the obstacles of ordinary lives.
Tricia speaks to groups interested in these eras, with the intention of preserving and honoring the memory of the men and women who served.
She also speaks and conducts workshops for teens around the nation, and offers programs to assist teens and teen moms through Hope Pregnancy Ministries in Northwestern Montana, which she founded. Tricia is a frequent workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Convention.
Author website: watch a video and read the endorsements
Link to purchase the book:
SO if you have read this far and want to win my copy, leave me a comment about a wonderful memory you have of your mom or one that you have had as a Mom!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Just to let you know, I'm doing another book give away tomorrow on a book especially for busy moms..Stop by tomorrow and learn more!!!
Just got home from work and I was surprised to see Michael and LynnMarie up. She wasn't acting right last night and Michael was worried..As I expected, he did fine..It was a wonderful feeling to see her smiling and to get a great big hug..I can not believe how much I love this little girl..Its a most amazing feeling.As people told me I would, I can see how my parents did certain things to and for me just because they loved me. I do see my parents in a different light.
Someone asked me what the hardest part has been. She has been a wonderful baby, a very smooth adjustment. The hardest part for me is losing weight again. I was doing so well. Between Michael being in the hospital and not being able to walk, I have found no time to go to the gym. I am sure the time i s there, but I am just not getting there. I'm snacking more which is not good as I want LynnMarie to have good eating habits. We are trying to make sure she gets her fruits and veggies every day..Anyway...
I wish you could all meet this precious gift..Don't forget to check the adoption blog for new pics and updates..
SO what cheap activities are you doing this summer? We have been to the pool a few times and LynnMarie and I go to music/story time at the library.Regal movie theaters are showing free family moves Tues-Thurs at 1oam so I would like to try that again too!!
thats it for now....
Keep rockin on
and dont forget to stop back again tomorrow
Just got home from work and I was surprised to see Michael and LynnMarie up. She wasn't acting right last night and Michael was worried..As I expected, he did fine..It was a wonderful feeling to see her smiling and to get a great big hug..I can not believe how much I love this little girl..Its a most amazing feeling.As people told me I would, I can see how my parents did certain things to and for me just because they loved me. I do see my parents in a different light.
Someone asked me what the hardest part has been. She has been a wonderful baby, a very smooth adjustment. The hardest part for me is losing weight again. I was doing so well. Between Michael being in the hospital and not being able to walk, I have found no time to go to the gym. I am sure the time i s there, but I am just not getting there. I'm snacking more which is not good as I want LynnMarie to have good eating habits. We are trying to make sure she gets her fruits and veggies every day..Anyway...
I wish you could all meet this precious gift..Don't forget to check the adoption blog for new pics and updates..
SO what cheap activities are you doing this summer? We have been to the pool a few times and LynnMarie and I go to music/story time at the library.Regal movie theaters are showing free family moves Tues-Thurs at 1oam so I would like to try that again too!!
thats it for now....
Keep rockin on
and dont forget to stop back again tomorrow
Friday, July 17, 2009
Great Book review

Winner chosen. Couldnt get pics but I put everyone name on a slip and let let LynnMarie pick it out. So congrats Tymm, you are the winner!! Ill get it to you next week. Next week, I will also be giving away a book especially for moms!!!
Make sure you read below to get even more info! What a great book. I was asked to read a non fiction book and review it! Awesome. Ha vent gotten into a nonfiction book in a very long time. Religion save by Pastor Mark Driscoll is awesome. He takes 9 topics that churches have questions on and gives scriptural based answers to them. Its the first time I have personally ever thought thought about what the Bible really says about some of these things. I didn't start reading the book until this week which is unfortunate because there is a lot of good stuff on there. I dont want to give too much info but the author covers topics such as birth control, predesination and even humor in the church. Its not a total philosophical book. In fact, its a good ready and you really want to finish when you start it!!!
I loved it sooo much and I want all of you to go and get it but I also want to give away my copy so leave me a comment at the end of the post and at the end of the week, LynnMarie will draw a winner.
Religion Saves:
And Nine Other Misconceptions
After 343,203 online votes on the Mars Hill Church website, nine questions for Pastor Mark Driscoll emerged as the ones most urgently calling for answers.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians, in which Paul answers a series of questions posed by the people in the Corinthian church, Pastor Mark Driscoll set out to determine the most controversial questions among visitors to the Mars Hill Church website. In the end, 893 questions were asked and 343,203 votes were cast. The top nine questions are now each answered in a chapter of Religion Saves.
After an introductory chapter devoted to the misconception that religion is what saves us, Driscoll tackles nine issues: birth control, humor, predestination, grace, sexual sin, faith and works, dating, the emerging church, and the regulative principle. Because the purpose of this book is to address commonly asked questions, all readers will find relevant, engaging material, written in Driscoll's distinctively edgy, yet theologically sound style.
In his distinctively edgy, yet theologically sound style, Pastor Mark Driscoll addresses the nine most controversial questions posed by visitors to the Mars Hill Church website. This book is part of the Re:Lit series.
Link to buy the book:
About the author:
Meet Pastor Mark!
Mark Driscoll is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, one of the fastest-growing churches in America. He is president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network and is the author of several books, including Vintage Jesus.
Pastor Mark preaches on Sunday, trains pastors, and writes curriculum. Mark is married to his high school sweetheart, Grace, and they enjoy raising their three sons and two daughters. More about Mark here!
Link to read and/or listen to an excerpt:
Want to read more reviews of the book? Come follow the book tour and see whats going on!
Schedule: Link to schedule
Monday, July 13, 2009
Need you to share
I am so ready to hear some good news. What is making you happy. Brag about someone, something, ANYTHING!!!
I am personally thankful that Michael is so good with the baby. I am thankful she is home and that she is AMAZING. I am happy that I have a job that I still enjoy!
I am so tired if hearing nothing but sadness, gossip, celebrities and negativity!
I am personally thankful that Michael is so good with the baby. I am thankful she is home and that she is AMAZING. I am happy that I have a job that I still enjoy!
I am so tired if hearing nothing but sadness, gossip, celebrities and negativity!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Its Crazy. I cant imagine her not here..I forget what it was like without her. I relive gotcha moments in my head all the time. I wonder why she loves us soooooo much. Big tears are seldom, but crazy smiles occur A LOT!
We are working in routines..Most of the time, I get her up but once dad gets back to work, we will share the load. She sometimes gets up in the middle of the night for maybe a few minutes which includes a heavy diaper and a bottle. When we get up (and lately, I have snuck in her room to quietly wake her up) we change our diaper and play on the floor in our room for a few minutes..Breakfast usually includes some toast and fruit and we know she likes eggs. WE have been watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while having breakfast and sometimes we watch Dora too!!! What do your toddlers eat for breakfast? IN fact, what is your routine?
Then playtime, lunch and nap. We love music time on Wednesdays and looking forward to more playdates hopefully this summer. We love the pool and cant wait for daddy to join us.
Its crazy how she becomes the priority in your life. You never really stop and think about, she just becomes your life. We have started saying prayers at bedtime and she always has the sweetest smile. We have posted some recent pics up at the adoption blog at
She is wonderful. Everything I dreamed of. She is funny, content, doing really well with attachment and bonding, although we are still working on it.
Haven't found time to go to the gym, which is my next priority as well cleaning the house..
I know its a long way off, but I am thinking of Halloween costumes, Christmas season cloths and her first birthday. I have waited for this soooo long, its nice to be home with my baby..
My goal now is to become a mom she can be proud of. I want her to see me giving to others and not being selfish, I want my weaknesses to be her strengths. I want God to just use her and allow us to see what He created her to be.
So now, weight loss, organizational skills and creating a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally and spiritually are my goal!!!
I still cant believe I am a mom. This is sooo much better than babysitting!
We are working in routines..Most of the time, I get her up but once dad gets back to work, we will share the load. She sometimes gets up in the middle of the night for maybe a few minutes which includes a heavy diaper and a bottle. When we get up (and lately, I have snuck in her room to quietly wake her up) we change our diaper and play on the floor in our room for a few minutes..Breakfast usually includes some toast and fruit and we know she likes eggs. WE have been watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while having breakfast and sometimes we watch Dora too!!! What do your toddlers eat for breakfast? IN fact, what is your routine?
Then playtime, lunch and nap. We love music time on Wednesdays and looking forward to more playdates hopefully this summer. We love the pool and cant wait for daddy to join us.
Its crazy how she becomes the priority in your life. You never really stop and think about, she just becomes your life. We have started saying prayers at bedtime and she always has the sweetest smile. We have posted some recent pics up at the adoption blog at
She is wonderful. Everything I dreamed of. She is funny, content, doing really well with attachment and bonding, although we are still working on it.
Haven't found time to go to the gym, which is my next priority as well cleaning the house..
I know its a long way off, but I am thinking of Halloween costumes, Christmas season cloths and her first birthday. I have waited for this soooo long, its nice to be home with my baby..
My goal now is to become a mom she can be proud of. I want her to see me giving to others and not being selfish, I want my weaknesses to be her strengths. I want God to just use her and allow us to see what He created her to be.
So now, weight loss, organizational skills and creating a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally and spiritually are my goal!!!
I still cant believe I am a mom. This is sooo much better than babysitting!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Kate needs your prayers
Meet Kate. then pray for kate..Or just pray. her story is going around..Not hard to be touched by this family's story!!! Pray for kate, her family and every medical person involved in her care!!!
Click here for her story.
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