Amy . . .

What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things are a changing

I don't like my blog..OH I am okay with the design and I like blogger, I just don't like the substance. I realized it a few weeks ago.

Let me explain why. I love my job and I mean I really love my job especially when I really connect with my families. I love sharing my stories (as much as I can due to confidentiality) and I really love comments.

I do feel uncomfortable with the comments that tell me what a special person I am because I dont think of myself that way. Dont get me wrong, I am child of God who made me in His image and because of that I am grateful. I don't want my blog to become all about me. Does this make sense? I am not sure what I will do.
I was thinking about starting a new blog sharing my thoughts of my spiritual journey which has simply been amazing this past year. I have thought about turning off comments for a time. I have thought of just posting small posts throughout the day.

Any ideas?????


Susan said...

I like your blog. I think it will almost always be "about you" to a certain degree. Of course you can take a different angle. I don't have ideas, but I'll be anxious to see what evolves here.


Dawn said...

I agree that your blog is going to be "about you" mostly. I mean you are the author. However, you can also write about God, news, friends, tips, etc. As for being uncomfortable with comments about you. Direct them right back to God. If you are a great person, it is because God made you that way, and he made you that way so that you can impact many people. I say keep on with your blog!

Suprina said...

Hi Amy,
I just wanted to stop by and say "Hi" to you.
I think your blog is great...and at a time in Late Dec./Early January I thought about either re-doing my blog or closing it all together. And then a blogging friend told me this....

"A blog should be something for YOU, in the first place. You shouldn’t write because or what other people expect you to write. Your blog should be a place to vent, share with others and get inspiration to become the best you."

Now some of that or none of that might not pertain to you but it hit the nail on the head with me.

I look forward to seeing what you decide to do.