Amy . . .

What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising

Friday, October 03, 2008


Just got home. Walked out of my car and wanted to stand there. I wanted to just feel the air around me. I do not do that enough. I may do that later, I dont know. I drove by my favorite tree this morning. You see, I do have a favorite tree. Each fall, it slowly turns into the most beautiful colors. Perhaps hubby can catch a picture for me sometime.

I love this feeling. I can not wait to go to bed in about 30 minutes. SLeep is good.

But the fall. I do not want to miss this season. I want to slow down and do nothing but enjoy it. Its kind of like seasons of life. Sometimes I want things to quickly pass but if I do that, I will miss something so special. I love my reminders to slow down. I feel like I have probably missed some special times because I am always in a hurry. Life is too precious to be like that.

Anyway, I wonder what God is thinking when we stop and just admire this creation of His. I wonder if we really appreciate the beauty of this earth. I am so happy to just be alive.

7 years ago, we were finishing up wedding plans,and I was buying baskets to make for our hotel guests. I was dreaming of married life and what life in Atlanta would bring. Dreams are good! What a great week we had. A week about us. It was awesome!!!!

Sorry for the randomness of this post!


Jose said...

Amy those are great feelings. I wish we had a fall like you all have back east but that does not happen here in Phoenix.

I tried pledging some money for Michael but after I enter all the information and hit enter the computer did not show me if it took or not. It was weird and now I am not sure if the pledge went through.

Unknown said...

No, you are the second person who has told us that. I guarantee you that it did not take but thank you very much!

Others have succeeded today though!

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Amy, this is my first visit and I was happy to find you. I also live in Atlanta during the week and SC during the weekend. I'm here in ATL this week though. Fall is so wonderful. I love it. I work in the medical field too. You can write me at
I'm adopted too. Later, Trish

Baba said...

Good evening Amy, It has been a great day here in Savannah,Ga. too!! At night the temp. goes down in the 50's and during the daytime it is in the low 80's...I enjoyed my evening walk with my 8 month old granddaughter whom I am taking care of for three days , while mom,dad and big sisters are in Florida..

You are doing super with your weight loss..I need your strength and will power to get me started and lose 30 pounds...I am just spinning my wheels and getting no where...

Enjoy your week-end with Michael and friends... hugs, Baba

Anonymous said...

...and those were some sweet baskets, by the way. I posted on your other blog, but I don't know if you saw it. Congratulations to you guys. Love you both.