Amy . . .

What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Going to they gym and church just not at the same time

So here is my question. If after going to church, I always feel better and a bit revived and after going to they gym, I always feel good, why do I not do both more? Seriously, am I so lazy that I do not want to put the energy into doing something that guaranteed results?

I'm just saying


Jose said...

LOL, You know what, like Nike says, "JUST DO IT". I need to go get me a gym membership.

Special K said...

Why do we not do what's good for us. Go figure!

bernieg1 said...

Great list, mine is up at Top 13 Boys Names for 2007