Amy . . .

What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Post Card exchange

Check out the button on the sidebar. I thought i would try another postcard exchange. All you have to do is click the button, join the yahoo group and add your info to the database before July 1st. All you do is send postcards to the people on the list I send to you. It should be between 5 and 10 people. No more than that. So go ahead, its a great way to see cards from all over the country and I hear its a great home schooling project..

COme on now!!


Nancy said...

I'm looking. I don't see a button

Football and Fried Rice said...

I am going to sign up; I love postcards; plus living in Rocky Mountain country, we have some pretty ones here!!

I tagged you by the way; if you have any time; I'd love to learn more about you!!