Amy . . .

What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas is behind us or at least 12/25 is

Regarding this season, I think I missed it. Oh, I tried to slow down and enjoy it, Michael helped me accomplish what I needed to do, but I missed something. There will be more blogging regarding that sentence later
That being said,
We had a wonderful Christmas Day. Dec 24th, Michael and I visited a new church and hope to visit it again. We came home and ate Chinese and watched Christmas Vacation and the Grinch.
We woke up and took our time getting downstairs. After playing with Lucy the Basset Hound, we opened our gifts, watched Santa Clause 2, got ready and headed over the Christophers in Douglasville. We had an awesome dinner and exchanged gifts, chatted and enjoyed the company. We arrived home late, and MIchael went directly to bed.

What I learned was:
Do not give Lucy the Basset HOund Chinese leftovers or you will be cleaning her vomit up when you get home from Christmas dinner..Thanks for keeping it in the corner Lucy

Appreciate your family.Love them unconditionally because you hope they do the same for you.
Michael took care of me this year. Lots of lotions, and new shoes and a scrub top and lots more..He was very thoughtful this year and I love him oh so much.

For those who know my friend Yancy, baby Arianna made her appearance last week! Yeah! That baby is a miracle. What a great gift this season

Stay tuned for the 2007 weight loss diet rules I have made for myself. Dont laugh at them, I have to make them as simple as I can.


Cyndi said...

I'm gad ya'll had a good christmas, Thank you do much for all the prayers Amy it meant so much to me.
gotta love the doggie puke, lucky for me I guess) Roxy is good at digesting things she shouldn't eat, pens,fireworks, electronic phonebooks,tums(she needed the tums after everything else).
Good luck with the dieting the simpler the better.
Praying praying for you.Cyndi

Norma said...

Hope you find just the right church in 2007.

My food triggers worked for me--now I just need to add in the exercise. I'm such a whimp.