My name is Amy and I am addicted to blogs. Its time to clean out my bloglines. I presently read a lot of blogs but am always looking for more
So I thought I would share a random few blogs that I read and ask you to share some with me! I will share some more later! Hubbys blog and he his recent post was a Thursday 13 Hubbys 80s music blog
Don and Be just got home from China with their sweet baby and are new friends in Fl Just a great read from a dude in Atlanta who talks about his job as worship leader, family life and his faith. This guy loves community I love this lady. She another waiting China adopting mom and has become a great friend during our wait. She also loves community and has a great gift of encouragement. Go say hello to a really cool chick! and yet another cool adoption friend who I wished lived closer. I have enjoyed going through this wait together Nikki is a nurse on the oncology floor at my hospital. She makes me smile everytime I see her. We have become friends by "floating" to each others floors and she is wonderful mom. Her and her husband are presently on a mission trip in Mexico. GO check out her cool photos! Through this family's loss, they have encouraged me. So, go be encouraged and grab some tissues She always reads my blog and comments! She is awesome. OK, you have to go read this. She shares farm life in a great way and also totally loves her family!
Ok, your turn. So, if you read this far down, Im impressed. Monday Aug 11 we will have another comment game while I am on vacation. Be prepared and sometime next week, a new book tour stops here and we have a cool book to give away!
So, what are you reading
Amy . . .
What would you like to know? I am fun, but crazy. I have a most perfect husband, and 2 cats named Samson and Delilah. We are presently working on adopting a little girl from China and have a separate blog for that. I am a Christian and am working on a better relationship with him. I live in the Atlanta area and love sharing stories with people. I am also a pediatric nurse and I love it! I love to talk and meet new people and I love Disney Cruising
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Disney gift card
Ok, so you want to win a Disney 50 dollar gift card? Go visit Daily Mish Mash
This blog has been on my bloglines for a long time. Fun contest!!! GO visit, NOW!
This blog has been on my bloglines for a long time. Fun contest!!! GO visit, NOW!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
night of emotions
Ya know, I ended up taking care of of one of the sweet patients with a brain tumor. Once again I had a family I have grown to love. Once again I sent these parents to the ER across the street. Last month, I sent the dad because of his migraines and last night mom went over with palpitations (they are both OK).
We spent a lot of time talking the last couple of nights about brain tumors, life, God, and international adoption. This family is so sad right now. I wish I could tell you the little boys name but we will call him E but rest assured he has the coolest E name ever. I do not want this family to give up hope. If you looked at this boy, your heart would melt. You would want to sit by his bed and hold his hand while he made baby noises at you. I had some precious moments with E while mom and dad went to the hospital.
On another note, Friday night I had to float to another floor and it was a good float and I met some new nursing friends and cool patients. Michelle was in charge and had me laughing all night long. Michelle came to work last night only to get a horrible phone call. Her son went out to play football last night and as he walked out, collapsed and died. He was 14. She knows God does not make mistakes but this has to be hard. There is a lot of sadness around the hospital.
I did have some happiness last night. I was able to meet a friends from out First Friday group last night. Her daughter was admitted and I got the chance to talk her about life and her 3 China adoptions (2 girls, 1 boy). Definitely made me heart smile.
Usually I do not post specifics about work, but please pray. There is so much sadness and discouragement but in all of this, there is hope. I see it every time I go to work and it makes me continue. I become encouraged and my spirit is restored.
It was a very interesting shift!!!
We spent a lot of time talking the last couple of nights about brain tumors, life, God, and international adoption. This family is so sad right now. I wish I could tell you the little boys name but we will call him E but rest assured he has the coolest E name ever. I do not want this family to give up hope. If you looked at this boy, your heart would melt. You would want to sit by his bed and hold his hand while he made baby noises at you. I had some precious moments with E while mom and dad went to the hospital.
On another note, Friday night I had to float to another floor and it was a good float and I met some new nursing friends and cool patients. Michelle was in charge and had me laughing all night long. Michelle came to work last night only to get a horrible phone call. Her son went out to play football last night and as he walked out, collapsed and died. He was 14. She knows God does not make mistakes but this has to be hard. There is a lot of sadness around the hospital.
I did have some happiness last night. I was able to meet a friends from out First Friday group last night. Her daughter was admitted and I got the chance to talk her about life and her 3 China adoptions (2 girls, 1 boy). Definitely made me heart smile.
Usually I do not post specifics about work, but please pray. There is so much sadness and discouragement but in all of this, there is hope. I see it every time I go to work and it makes me continue. I become encouraged and my spirit is restored.
It was a very interesting shift!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I am heading to work. If anyone reads this, pray for the patients and the staff. I know of 3 very sick children with brain tumors who are fighting so hard. Pray we can meet their physical, mental, and social needs. Pray that the nurses have enough energy tonight to do their best and can take care of the parents and patients.
Wish I could mention their names, I just can't but they are wonderful
Wish I could mention their names, I just can't but they are wonderful
What makes me smile? Lots of things but today was really fun. I worked
(not a good word, played) in the church nursery. I have been assigned to China
( how funny is that??) and the ages are 7-13 months. What a fun age! LynnMarie will be anywhere from 6 months up so I am loving this group.
We had kids of all nationalites and sizes and even mobility. Some of the kids could not craw or scoot and they were content just sitting there. I love the chubby ones!!!
I have gotten to know some of these kids over the past few months and some will soon be going to another class, but its been fun watching them smile and making them laugh. We had a visiting family today and this family was from Africa and they left their sweet 9 month old with us. He was asleep when they dropped them off and awoke when the rest of the babies had a crying moment. It was a very crowded baby room today. Anyway, little man started waking up and I love this time. So, I " "claimed" him and scooped him up and rocked him. What a sweet moment. Then he opened his eyes. He should not have done this as this I was totally mesmerized by this little man. I could stare at his beautiful face for hours. So we rocked and rocked and then smiled and we played on the floor for a little bit and then it was diaper time and then time to go home. Oh I hope "little man" comes back. He made my morning just by being here. That was soooo cool!
Off to take a nap!!!
(not a good word, played) in the church nursery. I have been assigned to China
( how funny is that??) and the ages are 7-13 months. What a fun age! LynnMarie will be anywhere from 6 months up so I am loving this group.
We had kids of all nationalites and sizes and even mobility. Some of the kids could not craw or scoot and they were content just sitting there. I love the chubby ones!!!
I have gotten to know some of these kids over the past few months and some will soon be going to another class, but its been fun watching them smile and making them laugh. We had a visiting family today and this family was from Africa and they left their sweet 9 month old with us. He was asleep when they dropped them off and awoke when the rest of the babies had a crying moment. It was a very crowded baby room today. Anyway, little man started waking up and I love this time. So, I " "claimed" him and scooped him up and rocked him. What a sweet moment. Then he opened his eyes. He should not have done this as this I was totally mesmerized by this little man. I could stare at his beautiful face for hours. So we rocked and rocked and then smiled and we played on the floor for a little bit and then it was diaper time and then time to go home. Oh I hope "little man" comes back. He made my morning just by being here. That was soooo cool!
Off to take a nap!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
more Amy thoughts, could be long, im just saying
People scare me. I am scared of people. Not all people, just the ones I think are better than me. Was that too honest? I do have a problem. I am way too intimidated by people who seem to have it all together. This intimidation has caused some relationships not to fully develop to their full potential.
Its very sad. Now, the first thing I wanted to write was that I just do not not like myself but a)that's not true and b)that's not nice. One of things I have learned during the past year in Bible Study (Amazing Collection, Beth Moore's Psalms of Ascent) was that God created me in His image before time began. To even fathom "before time began" is craziness. I have learned that no matter how imperfect I am, there is NOTHING I can do that will make Him not love me and that brings more peace than anything.
Now, there are behaviors that I have that I do not like. In fact, I can not stand some of them. I hate being intimidated by people. I do. Makes life far more uncomfortable than it needs to be.
I wish I did not like to eat as much as I do. Because of that, I hate the weight I am. Its not the weight, its the things outside of the weight. You know, the way people look an judge, my risk of health and other stuff. Could go on and on but would be totally depressing.
I have been off work for several days and go back to work tonight an this weekend. Hoping it will be good.
Speaking of work, facebook allowed a precious opportunity yesterday. I spent almost an hour talking to Amber. I mentioned Jason and Amber almost 8 months go. Their daughter Aubrey passed away from a brain tumor about a year ago. It was because if Aubrey, I met her parents. Aubrey will always be a favorite patient of mine. Before Aubrey died, they learned Amber was pregnant. Aubrey's little sister Ava was born full term and still born. This beautiful family lost 2 girls in less than a year. Amber and I were able to chat about and motherhood and it was wonderful, encouraging and helpful. As I told her, God is not finished with that family. Would you mind saying a prayer for them today? So glad I was on facebook at the right time!
Back to me, what I am wondering these days is why am I making bad choices? Seriously, it starts with food. Why do I eat when I know its bad for me? Anyone?
If I know I feel awesome at the gym, why do I not go more?
If I know that I need to do my daily devotions and I feel good afterwards, why am I not doing them daily?
Why do I care soo much about what people think?
It seems like I prefer instant results that make me feel good and I do not think of the results down the road. Perhaps thats it. I do think that most of my problems are totally mental.
Why can I not organize my house? First of all, I have terrible taste. I am a horrible organizer. We have so much to do before LynnMarie comes home and I really have no idea where to start.
Why am I not giving 100% to everything I do? Is it just simple laziness? Because that sucks as an excuse! Is it lack of accountability? Perhaps
Why am I not a better wife? I think everyone can be a better spouse!!!!
To end on a happier note, I am a happy person even though I think too much and that takes away the fun sometime. I have started looking at baby furniture (just looking, not buying, no worries), dreamed about the future and have been able to spend a lot of time with hubby lately. Its all good. I can not believe what an awesome job I have even if some days are really difficult.
Ok, thats me for now. Take it for as it is.
Really I am not in a funk, just wanted to get some things out that I would never tell someone in person.
Its very sad. Now, the first thing I wanted to write was that I just do not not like myself but a)that's not true and b)that's not nice. One of things I have learned during the past year in Bible Study (Amazing Collection, Beth Moore's Psalms of Ascent) was that God created me in His image before time began. To even fathom "before time began" is craziness. I have learned that no matter how imperfect I am, there is NOTHING I can do that will make Him not love me and that brings more peace than anything.
Now, there are behaviors that I have that I do not like. In fact, I can not stand some of them. I hate being intimidated by people. I do. Makes life far more uncomfortable than it needs to be.
I wish I did not like to eat as much as I do. Because of that, I hate the weight I am. Its not the weight, its the things outside of the weight. You know, the way people look an judge, my risk of health and other stuff. Could go on and on but would be totally depressing.
I have been off work for several days and go back to work tonight an this weekend. Hoping it will be good.
Speaking of work, facebook allowed a precious opportunity yesterday. I spent almost an hour talking to Amber. I mentioned Jason and Amber almost 8 months go. Their daughter Aubrey passed away from a brain tumor about a year ago. It was because if Aubrey, I met her parents. Aubrey will always be a favorite patient of mine. Before Aubrey died, they learned Amber was pregnant. Aubrey's little sister Ava was born full term and still born. This beautiful family lost 2 girls in less than a year. Amber and I were able to chat about and motherhood and it was wonderful, encouraging and helpful. As I told her, God is not finished with that family. Would you mind saying a prayer for them today? So glad I was on facebook at the right time!
Back to me, what I am wondering these days is why am I making bad choices? Seriously, it starts with food. Why do I eat when I know its bad for me? Anyone?
If I know I feel awesome at the gym, why do I not go more?
If I know that I need to do my daily devotions and I feel good afterwards, why am I not doing them daily?
Why do I care soo much about what people think?
It seems like I prefer instant results that make me feel good and I do not think of the results down the road. Perhaps thats it. I do think that most of my problems are totally mental.
Why can I not organize my house? First of all, I have terrible taste. I am a horrible organizer. We have so much to do before LynnMarie comes home and I really have no idea where to start.
Why am I not giving 100% to everything I do? Is it just simple laziness? Because that sucks as an excuse! Is it lack of accountability? Perhaps
Why am I not a better wife? I think everyone can be a better spouse!!!!
To end on a happier note, I am a happy person even though I think too much and that takes away the fun sometime. I have started looking at baby furniture (just looking, not buying, no worries), dreamed about the future and have been able to spend a lot of time with hubby lately. Its all good. I can not believe what an awesome job I have even if some days are really difficult.
Ok, thats me for now. Take it for as it is.
Really I am not in a funk, just wanted to get some things out that I would never tell someone in person.
PASTE magazine
Time to brag about my brother again, because as the oldest in the family I can. Mom told me to check out this magazine (Paste magazine)and while at Barnes and Noble the other day i found it. Its an international music magazine and pretty big in size. I opened it up and there is like a pages article on my brother, and its a really great article with an interview. Dang I am proud of him. Below are pics from the magazine article.
If you are in Barnes or Noble, check my brother out or you can read it here !! I am totally proud of him. Obviously, out musical tastes are very different but after watching his show, I can see why people go to see him, he has a LOT of energy!When we saw him a few weekends ago, he seemed almost grow up and even gave m e a hug! Awwwww

If you are in Barnes or Noble, check my brother out or you can read it here !! I am totally proud of him. Obviously, out musical tastes are very different but after watching his show, I can see why people go to see him, he has a LOT of energy!When we saw him a few weekends ago, he seemed almost grow up and even gave m e a hug! Awwwww

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
my experience at Target
So, I am getting ready to check out at Target and I have 2 books in my hand and there is only one lady in the express check out lane (10 items or less), so I go and I wait longer than expected.
The lady ahead of me has a basket an is getting her stuff out of her basket and I admit, I counted. When I got to 25 I was like dude, so not cool and I must have made a facial expression because one of the asst managers tells the lady its for 10 items or less. She said she understands and she only has 10 DIFFERENT items,
She had like
folders (like 20 of them)
Pencils (like 5-6)
pens (no kidding, 20 packs)
notebooks (another 20)
We are talking less than 10 different items but like 50 actual items! Ugh!!!
Her idea of 10 items or less is totally different than mine. I probably rolled my eyes a bit. I was bad but dude, that was sooooo not cool
Before this, I went to a WW meeting and surprise, I gained 4 pounds. I could have told you that but I went, I braved the scale and there is no hiding it.
We will continue!
The lady ahead of me has a basket an is getting her stuff out of her basket and I admit, I counted. When I got to 25 I was like dude, so not cool and I must have made a facial expression because one of the asst managers tells the lady its for 10 items or less. She said she understands and she only has 10 DIFFERENT items,
She had like
folders (like 20 of them)
Pencils (like 5-6)
pens (no kidding, 20 packs)
notebooks (another 20)
We are talking less than 10 different items but like 50 actual items! Ugh!!!
Her idea of 10 items or less is totally different than mine. I probably rolled my eyes a bit. I was bad but dude, that was sooooo not cool
Before this, I went to a WW meeting and surprise, I gained 4 pounds. I could have told you that but I went, I braved the scale and there is no hiding it.
We will continue!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
prayer request for blogging friend
I have not posted in a few days simply because I wanted to find some substance to write about.
My friends, you have read about Tricia. This past year she has delivered a micro preemie (who is no longer in the hospital), had a double lung transplant and was diagnosed with cancer (apparently common after transplants). Her husband has been encouraging people all over the world by his blog.
According to CFhusband, her first rounds of chemo did not work the way they wanted and now they have to go to something stronger. Read the blog for more details
I know this family is surrounded by love and prayer but will you talk to God about them today and head over to and leave them a note?
My friends, you have read about Tricia. This past year she has delivered a micro preemie (who is no longer in the hospital), had a double lung transplant and was diagnosed with cancer (apparently common after transplants). Her husband has been encouraging people all over the world by his blog.
According to CFhusband, her first rounds of chemo did not work the way they wanted and now they have to go to something stronger. Read the blog for more details
I know this family is surrounded by love and prayer but will you talk to God about them today and head over to and leave them a note?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
random thoughts
Let me first answer Jose's question and then get to my normal post.
How can I stand the wait? I am sure that people wonder that. They hear the wait for China adoption is a couple of years and wonder why even bother? So, we are okay with the wait. This is our time to get ready. But most importantly, God gave us a sense of peace when we started this process. We really never talked a time frame. Its now obvious that LynnMarie will come home in God's perfect timing. I no longer doubt that. Do I want her home now? Oh yes. If I could , I would but I rest in God's promise. I love that feeling.
So last night, I spent some time in prayer. It was dark, quiet and peaceful in our house. I talked to God about a lot of things and spent a lot of time talking to Him about LynnMarie. Then the oddest thing happened. All of a sudden a picture came to my mind. It was an Asian lady rocking a baby and singing to her trying to get her to sleep. This has never come to mind, and I tell you, I quickly fell asleep after that. It was a very sweet thought.
I am presently reading the Shack and its awesome. So awesome. Enough said. I can not do a review on it because I want everyone who reads this blog to read this book, regardless of your religion or beliefs. Once again, so good.
We are not buying anything at this moment for LynnMarie but I still like to window shop and dream. I spent some time on Craigslist an that's the coolest place. I found nursery bedding still in the bags. So exciting I will be checking this place out a lot
We have a crib/dresser opportunity. More to come on that one.
Still looking on building our books on parenting/discipline/attachment/adoption collection so we can read these together. So if you have any books you recommend, let me know.
Last random thought, we are going to be doing a book drive and collecting other supplies for the Starfish Orphanage and Amanda, the one who cares for a lot of babies in China waiting for surgeries. If you live in Atlanta and would like to participate let me know. I will have a list but we want to get her a great supply of books to read while she is at the hospital waiting..
Ok, enough for now. Michael updated his blog with 13 high school memories!!!
How can I stand the wait? I am sure that people wonder that. They hear the wait for China adoption is a couple of years and wonder why even bother? So, we are okay with the wait. This is our time to get ready. But most importantly, God gave us a sense of peace when we started this process. We really never talked a time frame. Its now obvious that LynnMarie will come home in God's perfect timing. I no longer doubt that. Do I want her home now? Oh yes. If I could , I would but I rest in God's promise. I love that feeling.
So last night, I spent some time in prayer. It was dark, quiet and peaceful in our house. I talked to God about a lot of things and spent a lot of time talking to Him about LynnMarie. Then the oddest thing happened. All of a sudden a picture came to my mind. It was an Asian lady rocking a baby and singing to her trying to get her to sleep. This has never come to mind, and I tell you, I quickly fell asleep after that. It was a very sweet thought.
I am presently reading the Shack and its awesome. So awesome. Enough said. I can not do a review on it because I want everyone who reads this blog to read this book, regardless of your religion or beliefs. Once again, so good.
We are not buying anything at this moment for LynnMarie but I still like to window shop and dream. I spent some time on Craigslist an that's the coolest place. I found nursery bedding still in the bags. So exciting I will be checking this place out a lot
We have a crib/dresser opportunity. More to come on that one.
Still looking on building our books on parenting/discipline/attachment/adoption collection so we can read these together. So if you have any books you recommend, let me know.
Last random thought, we are going to be doing a book drive and collecting other supplies for the Starfish Orphanage and Amanda, the one who cares for a lot of babies in China waiting for surgeries. If you live in Atlanta and would like to participate let me know. I will have a list but we want to get her a great supply of books to read while she is at the hospital waiting..
Ok, enough for now. Michael updated his blog with 13 high school memories!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
colors and furnitures and themes oh my
I had nothing to post today so I am just going to be a bit random. As we continue to get closer to a referral ( no worries, we still have a long wait ahead of us), I have started thinking about her room a bit. We know we will need to get new carpet. At one point, I thought about hardwood or even laminate, but I think we will stick with carpet.
And then other questions started. Furniture, what color, what type? What do you really need to have a cute, sensible nursery? I have spent hours of time at work ( while my patients sleep)looking at google images of different nurseries and themes and such. I am not creative in this department at all, and that actually saddens me. I have no clue what color to paint the room. Do we look for cheaper used furniture to save money and repaint it? Because I am soo not coordinated and that may make it look worse?
Oh my gosh, I walked around the Babys Room near the mall and they have the cutest, most expensive things. Then I went to Baby Depot and noticed some of the same crib bedding was even cheaper. Its time to look for deals!
What colors do I like? Do we want to do ladybugs ( as many gifts have been ladybugs but I don't want that do influence our choice). Do I want something else that I can add lady bugs as well? I thought about putting this on our adoption blog but didn't want LynnMarie to read this one day and think her mom went crazy.
We have had a discussion on my April LID 2007 yahoo group about what are necessities. So what are your thoughts? We have no idea how old she will be but she may be between 9-18 months old.
So, what are the necessities besides a crib? oh and the place I went to had the cutest little bitty table and chairs..haha! So, what do you look for in a crib or dresser, really?
The only things I do not want are pink walls, no offense !!! I will try to post pics of things I like some other time.
And then other questions started. Furniture, what color, what type? What do you really need to have a cute, sensible nursery? I have spent hours of time at work ( while my patients sleep)looking at google images of different nurseries and themes and such. I am not creative in this department at all, and that actually saddens me. I have no clue what color to paint the room. Do we look for cheaper used furniture to save money and repaint it? Because I am soo not coordinated and that may make it look worse?
Oh my gosh, I walked around the Babys Room near the mall and they have the cutest, most expensive things. Then I went to Baby Depot and noticed some of the same crib bedding was even cheaper. Its time to look for deals!
What colors do I like? Do we want to do ladybugs ( as many gifts have been ladybugs but I don't want that do influence our choice). Do I want something else that I can add lady bugs as well? I thought about putting this on our adoption blog but didn't want LynnMarie to read this one day and think her mom went crazy.
We have had a discussion on my April LID 2007 yahoo group about what are necessities. So what are your thoughts? We have no idea how old she will be but she may be between 9-18 months old.
So, what are the necessities besides a crib? oh and the place I went to had the cutest little bitty table and chairs..haha! So, what do you look for in a crib or dresser, really?
The only things I do not want are pink walls, no offense !!! I will try to post pics of things I like some other time.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
our weekend of chillness
We really just chilled out this weekend. Saturday we saw Handcock, walked around the mall and then had dinner at a local restaurant. We rested a bit and headed out for a rare late night show in roswell. Who were we seeing? My brother, DJ Diplo (aka Wes). Many of you do not know about my brother. He is now an international DJ who has toured and collaborated with several artists like Gwen Stefani, has a few cds and does a lot of touring all over the world. He mixes music and its usually not my style, but my little brother brought the house down last night. He was at a small place with a lot of energy. I am so proud of all that he has become. Growing up, Wes always stood out and had different taste. But those tastes have made him successful. I have attached a pic but for more pics from the show, visit
Before the show, he even visited with us! He is off to Canada and then Brazil! To learn more about my brother, go here!!!
He's on my space as well, just look for DIPLO!
After the show, we went to Waffle House and the home, going to sleep about 3am. We woke up at noon!, yes noon! Never do I do that unless I am working the night before. Anyway, its 5m and we are enjoying the rainy weather by spending time together!
Friday, July 11, 2008
movies that you requested
Movies that you suggested that I have yet to see
Howard's End
A Room With a View
An Affair To Remember
Memoirs of a Geisha
An Officer and a Gentleman
To Kill a Mockingbird
12 Angry Men
Batman Begins
Singin In the Rain
Rear Window
Young at Heart
Pillow Talk
Send me no flowers
West Side Story
GOodbye Girl
Silver Streal
ALl That Jazz
Forget Paris
The Touch of Mink
To Catch a Thief
The Bishops Wife
the old lace
An American in Paris
The Great Escape
So what do you think, have you seen any of these? Have any more classics you want to recommend?
BTW, I love Overboard
Howard's End
A Room With a View
An Affair To Remember
Memoirs of a Geisha
An Officer and a Gentleman
To Kill a Mockingbird
12 Angry Men
Batman Begins
Singin In the Rain
Rear Window
Young at Heart
Pillow Talk
Send me no flowers
West Side Story
GOodbye Girl
Silver Streal
ALl That Jazz
Forget Paris
The Touch of Mink
To Catch a Thief
The Bishops Wife
the old lace
An American in Paris
The Great Escape
So what do you think, have you seen any of these? Have any more classics you want to recommend?
BTW, I love Overboard
Thursday, July 10, 2008
surprise in mail
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Blogger participation
Okay, you will not believe this but when I got married there were some important movies I had never seen. Michael is a huge movie buff and worked at Blockbuster so he had a great collection Some of the movies he has shown me since getting married have been the Star Wars movies and even Indiana jones. The other day we watched Bull Durham and I liked it. I invite you to share with me classic movies that I HAVE to see. I will let you know if I have seen them or not. Perhaps Michael will join in and share the ones I have not seen. Come on, share the best movies with me! Come back as much as you want! If they sound interesting, I might even make a list!
But at least I have seen Shag, have you?
But at least I have seen Shag, have you?
I am having a problem with labeling people, all kinds of people. Some of you may know that Michael and I added a medical checklist with the China program. We may get a child from the waiting child program, she may have whats considered special needs but she will not be a special needs child. She will be our wonderful, beautiful daughter and although her "special needs" may need to be treated, that will not be the focus of her childhood. I remember in nursing school not to call kids with Down Syndrome, a Down Syndrome child. They are children that have Down Syndrome. Am I making any sense?
People who are heavy are labeled fat This may be true. But there is more to the person besides being fat. Plus, that's just an ugly word.
Most importantly, I am a Christian. I am not sure I like this label anymore. I actually prefer terms like God follower. I really do not want this to come across as I am ashamed o f my faith, because I certainly am not. Christians are judged. They are stereotyped as judging others, as being perfect and I am not sure why . Is it because of what they hear in church or what?
Christians are afraid of admitting mistakes. Not all, this is just what I am seeing and experiencing Having an alcoholic beverage, watching R movies or saying a bad word are kept in secret. I am just trying to sort out my thoughts about all of this. I have a relationship with my wonderful creator. Because of that relationship, I am peace and I have joy. I hope that people see that . I know that I judge and I know that I am judged. Perhaps this is just being human, but lately I can understand why people hesitate to go to the church. I love my church, I would not trade it for the world but sometimes I wonder, is everyone welcome there.? I think I am thinking churches in general and not necessarily the one I attend now, but does everyone love unconditionally? We talked about this in small group a few months go. If a homeless person walked in with torn clothes and smelled, who would be the first to talk to him? Someone making sure he was not a threat or someone with a cup of coffee? Perhaps I am thinking way too much about this.
I want it to be about God and what He can show us and what He can do through us.
People who are heavy are labeled fat This may be true. But there is more to the person besides being fat. Plus, that's just an ugly word.
Most importantly, I am a Christian. I am not sure I like this label anymore. I actually prefer terms like God follower. I really do not want this to come across as I am ashamed o f my faith, because I certainly am not. Christians are judged. They are stereotyped as judging others, as being perfect and I am not sure why . Is it because of what they hear in church or what?
Christians are afraid of admitting mistakes. Not all, this is just what I am seeing and experiencing Having an alcoholic beverage, watching R movies or saying a bad word are kept in secret. I am just trying to sort out my thoughts about all of this. I have a relationship with my wonderful creator. Because of that relationship, I am peace and I have joy. I hope that people see that . I know that I judge and I know that I am judged. Perhaps this is just being human, but lately I can understand why people hesitate to go to the church. I love my church, I would not trade it for the world but sometimes I wonder, is everyone welcome there.? I think I am thinking churches in general and not necessarily the one I attend now, but does everyone love unconditionally? We talked about this in small group a few months go. If a homeless person walked in with torn clothes and smelled, who would be the first to talk to him? Someone making sure he was not a threat or someone with a cup of coffee? Perhaps I am thinking way too much about this.
I want it to be about God and what He can show us and what He can do through us.
Monday, July 07, 2008
So its Monday. We have the day off. We are lazy and just chilling today which is A okay with me! Nothing new. Although our house is clean, its time to start thinking and starting those projects that need to be done before LynnMarie gets here!
Yesterday we stopped by Petsmart and looked at the dogs. I watched a basset walk in and although I tried to find it, I could not. I thought about Lucy a lot yesterday.
This week, I work Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Random thought. I am so sick of hearing about the pregnant man who gave birth. He's really a she! Can we find something else to talk about? Perhaps the fact that Nicole Kidman had her baby and named her Sunday Rose?
I really should find something else to do. Need to head back to Weight Watchers. I have not been doing it at all, and since I know it works, I should get started.
I'm posting lyrics to a song I heard a few weeks ago at the Deeper Still conference called "The Mercy Seat" I can not seem to find a video of it but if you can find it on ITUNES, I strongly recommend. Its just beautiful.
Mercy Seat
In the darkness
Where everything is unknown
I face the power of sin on my own
I did not know of a place I could go
Where I could find a way to
Heal my wounded soul.
He said that I could come into
His presence without fear
Into the holy place where
His mercy hovers near
I'm runnin' I'm runnin'
I'm runnin' to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is callin' he said
His grace would cover me
His blood will flow freely
It will provide the healin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
I'm runnin; to the mercy seat.
Are you livin' where hope has not been?
You're lost in the curse of a
Lifetime of sin
Lovely illusions they never
Come true I know where there's a place
Of mercy for you
He said that you could come into his
Presence without fear
Into this holy place
Where his presence hovers near.
Come runnin' come runnin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is callin' he said his
Grace would cover you. His blood
Will flow freely it will provide the healin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
I'm runnin' to the mercy seat
He said that you could come into his presence
Without fear into the holy place
Where his mercy hovers near
Yesterday we stopped by Petsmart and looked at the dogs. I watched a basset walk in and although I tried to find it, I could not. I thought about Lucy a lot yesterday.
This week, I work Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Random thought. I am so sick of hearing about the pregnant man who gave birth. He's really a she! Can we find something else to talk about? Perhaps the fact that Nicole Kidman had her baby and named her Sunday Rose?
I really should find something else to do. Need to head back to Weight Watchers. I have not been doing it at all, and since I know it works, I should get started.
I'm posting lyrics to a song I heard a few weeks ago at the Deeper Still conference called "The Mercy Seat" I can not seem to find a video of it but if you can find it on ITUNES, I strongly recommend. Its just beautiful.
Mercy Seat
In the darkness
Where everything is unknown
I face the power of sin on my own
I did not know of a place I could go
Where I could find a way to
Heal my wounded soul.
He said that I could come into
His presence without fear
Into the holy place where
His mercy hovers near
I'm runnin' I'm runnin'
I'm runnin' to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is callin' he said
His grace would cover me
His blood will flow freely
It will provide the healin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
I'm runnin; to the mercy seat.
Are you livin' where hope has not been?
You're lost in the curse of a
Lifetime of sin
Lovely illusions they never
Come true I know where there's a place
Of mercy for you
He said that you could come into his
Presence without fear
Into this holy place
Where his presence hovers near.
Come runnin' come runnin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is callin' he said his
Grace would cover you. His blood
Will flow freely it will provide the healin'
Come runnin' to the mercy seat
I'm runnin' to the mercy seat
He said that you could come into his presence
Without fear into the holy place
Where his mercy hovers near
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Facebook has me hooked. Its fun, its easy, its clean! Come find me! This is my random thought for the day
Thursday, July 03, 2008
random thoughts, bullet post
So last night I had my last diet coke,(I hope). The plan is to stick with water and unsweetened iced tea (which means no alcohol). I hit the gym this morning and had my low fat waffles and light syrup. So far, so good. I am working tonight and then I have the next 4 days off.
Had lunch yesterday and my weekly Bible Study. We are doing the Psalms study by Beth Moore and it is rocking. I hope to continue studying scripture after this is over. There is a lot of cool stuff in that Book.
4th of July. We could go see fireworks but I know Atlanta is going to be crowded. Anyone know of any secret spots to see the fireworks and not deal with traffic? Roswell, Douglasville?
My friend is dropping by a pack and play. Not that we are going to need it anytime soon, but free stuff is very cool.
Looking forward to the finale of Hells Kitchen. I think the Christina will win, but hoping for the dude simply because it would be a surprise.
Looking for parenting, discipline, adoption, attachment books. Any suggestions?
So, what are you doing tomorrow?
Had lunch yesterday and my weekly Bible Study. We are doing the Psalms study by Beth Moore and it is rocking. I hope to continue studying scripture after this is over. There is a lot of cool stuff in that Book.
4th of July. We could go see fireworks but I know Atlanta is going to be crowded. Anyone know of any secret spots to see the fireworks and not deal with traffic? Roswell, Douglasville?
My friend is dropping by a pack and play. Not that we are going to need it anytime soon, but free stuff is very cool.
Looking forward to the finale of Hells Kitchen. I think the Christina will win, but hoping for the dude simply because it would be a surprise.
Looking for parenting, discipline, adoption, attachment books. Any suggestions?
So, what are you doing tomorrow?
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Post card exchange
Hey last day to sign up for the post card exchange. Click on the button on my sidebar (under the book I am reading), join the yahoo group and add your address to the database. Not to worry, all will be deleted after the exchange. You will not have to send more than 1o postcards and who doesn't like mail?
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