The contest starts today and I thought I would share the info again here!.
Remember here are the rules
1) Post the contest on your blog.
2)Make comments on this blog and over at Valtool's Box for 1 point for each comment starting today and ending midnight next Friday.( I love to post so keep an eye on it.)
3)Keep an eye out for extra points
4)You don't have to answer every day. Example, You can catch up Wednesday for Mon-Wednesday
5)The blogger with the highest amount of points wins. the highest will get first choice, and then so on. I will give a random prize to someone who posts on both blogs at least twice.If there is a tie, it will all work out. I only have 4 people signed up, doesn't sound like a problem. I hope you guys can spread the love..I was blessed with
6) Can you play if you live outside the US? Absolutely. The only prize I can not ship outside the US is the football appetizer dish. Last contest we had a winner from South Africa.
I will get pics up, but I can't find my camera battery charger
1.Large football shaped appetizer dish
2.A cupcake Candle
3.a book on friendship
4.2 ShiningStar animals (cute stuffed animals that have codes to play with on the Internet) If you win and have 2 kids the same age, you get both and I will get another one
5.The coolest Christmas Chain package- remember making those chains for Christmas trees?
a book of Michael's choice
6.A sweet water bottle from Childrens healthcare of Atlanta
7.Burts Bees- either for adults or a baby's collection
8.A set of little people scrubs first aid kit (yes its new)
10.set of fall kitchen towels
11.a large bag (the kind you can add family pics to)
I was blessed with these items this week and I would like to share these blessings with you. Plus I love to read comments, because you guys rock
Okay, my post for the day!!!!
Watched Survivor last night. I have a high interest this season as we will be going to China to get our daughter one day. I can not wait to learn more about this country and this culture. Once again, they have an eclectic group going in here.
It seems to me since I started watching Real World years ago, most reality shows follow pattern and I was wondering if you agree. Now it seems there are certain types of people you must have on one of these tv shows. Please listen, this is just what I see. I think there should be diversity on these shows. I really dislike and feel uncomfortable with talk about racial issues.
So you must always have someone who is very deep into their religion( doesnt have to be Christianity), you must have different races represented, you need to have at least 2-3 "pretty people" like models and stuff like that, you need to have someone who is the stereotypical smart person, you have to both hetero and homosexual people on the show, and there always has to be someone who has a "really different kind of job". This season there is a person who is a grave digger. I find it interesting because he mentioned that he is used to working alone and I can't wait to see how it pans out! There are also the "leaders" or the ones that start taking a leadership role immediately, regardless if people want it or not!
how you ever thought about this? Is there someone from a reality show that stands out to you? If not, do you have a favorite show??
So not pictured are the bag I talked about, the towels and the Burts Bees stuff because you get to pick out if you want the adult or baby stuff.

Water bottle, book
My favorite shows all tend to be those HBO and Showtime series. I get a little obsessive with my On-Demand when it comes to those.
Like I wrote over at Michael's blog, I just have a tough time watching a TV program at it's regularly scheduled time. I really want a DVR...but we just haven't done it, yet. Too much going on.
Maybe I'll keep up with Survivor through the two of you! :)
Cool contest!! Off to make a post on my blog about it. Have a great Friday!
Okay sign me up for your contest - I will go back over and post about it on my blog. Its my first contest to enter with you and I'm excited! :)
There are plenty of shows I get hooked on but mostly I DVR them and watch them when I can. And I agree with you 100% about the reality show casts being made up of a certain group always! I can't think of one reality show that was not done that way!
okay, i'm hooked... i likes me a good contest....
I watched the first season of Survivor - and i watched it religiously. I forced my family to stay an extra night in California so we could catch the Season Finale.
and i watched Season Two - Australia... but after that, i just couldn't keep up.
As much as i say i don't watch Reality TV, some of my favourite shows are "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" - hilarious, "The Surreal Life" - cuz it's always fun to see has been celebrities lose it, and "Celebrity Fit Club" - because Gary Busey is entertainment at its finest. :D
I can relate to the grave digger. LOL When one of my husband's uncle died, several years ago, the entire family was at the cemetery (shovels in hand) digging his grave. I even had my children (ages 12, 9, and 7 at the time) helping us dig. :-) Great family story to pass on to my grandchildren!! Anyway, I really like CSI, Law and Order, JAG, NCIS, and all those other investigative stories.
Hi- new comment poster here... I picked up on your blog from my cousin's (she is Thoughts of the Mama). There were several things about your blog that jumped out @ me... first your saying at the top- "Life is not measured by .... moments that take our breath away." That is in my signature of my e-mails. I LOVE THAT QUOTE!! It is so true. Then I saw you were reading Debbie MacComber... love her books! I don't think I have ever commented on anyone else's blog before, so this is a first for me. I do not have my blog public- but if you would be interested in seeing it, I would not mind "inviting" you to do so. Now, I have to tell you that mine is nothing compared to yours, or my cousins... I am new @ all this and trying to find my way about it all. My sister is in Mongolia right now trying to adopt a little girl, and I wish you the best in your adoption journey... take care- and have a great weekend. I enjoyed reading your guest blogger as well- I agree with his views on being honest--- be who you are, not who you think people want you to be! Blessings!
I love reality shows! :) My fave is Big Brother! Oh so much drama! hehe
Love the contest. I'm adding info on my blog later today!!
I'd love to enter your contest!
I haven't ever seen Survivor. I was hooked on LOST earlier in the year. It doesn't come on again until Jan or Feb. Oh well. . .
I didn't realize we were suppose to sign up for the contest, I thought we were just going to post when it came time LOL I'll get a post up this weeend about your contest! I had fun w/your last contest (and I actually won, but I never did get a chance to pick out a DVD, oh well!)
I don't watch reality shows much, my favorite shows are probably Lost. Heros, and Grey's.
I missed Survivor because of praise band practice last night, but I'm gonna watch the episode on the web this weekend so I'm caught up.
I kinda like the reality shows, but my faves are the crime or medical dramas.
Hi AMY!! I want to win...LOL.. I've got my post up and now I can sit back and relax and just come and answer ya'lls (is that a word??) posts..
God bless,
Oh, I forgot to say.. there's a new survivor out already??? Oh, my gosh, I am so missing CBS with our satellite dish.. please post and let me know if there are any rotten ones on.. there always are and it's fun to hear about them!
I loved Rupert!! He really picked up the pirate theme and went with it and wasn't afraid of a skirt. And, he was nice to boot! How about that?!
God bless,
WhoooHoooWooowooohooo! (hehe, that was fun all in itself!) Okay, I'm going to go put up the post and then I'll come back and let you know it's up ;-)
I LOVE Survivor! We watch as a family. I think they have had a southerner almost every season, too.
Amy sign me up for your contest as well. I am just about to put a plug to you on my blog about your contest....
This is just so neat!
This is a really cool idea and we love Survivor too! I really like the Grave Digger! I think he really won the challenge for his team! Keep the point coming
kari and kijsa
Thanks for letting me know about the contest!
Oh how cool. Yes I want to play. I will post this on my blog too. They haven't aired Survivor China yet - it starts next week I think. Can't wait - we so enjoy the series.
Oh my word, I'm so excited to have found your blog. Karen directed me this way. I can't believe you're going to China to adopt. We were there 4 years ago to adopt our youngest daughter. What a great trip! I love Survivor also. We watched it last week with great anticipation. I believe they started off around Jianxi province. That is where my daughter is from.
Sign me up for your contest. I'll be putting a post on mine too. So *nice* to meet you!
what awesome gifts - love it!! thanks
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